Kairos Year Review: 365 Days Spent Powering the Team Operations & Communication of Elite Teams Globally

Kairos Year Review

In 2023, our mission to revolutionise the world of Team Operations and Communication was inspired by helping elite teams secure wins and achieve success day in, day out. With a primary emphasis on innovation and fostering alignment, our goal to empower athletes and staff globally through Kairos came to fruition.  

Take a look at our year ?

Need for Speed… ?

This year, we added two new data storage hubs to our system. One in North America and the other in Australia. The impact? Our users, particularly those in the US and Canada gained a significant increase in upload and download speeds. While it improved the speed of the overall platform, file attachment speed in our messenger feature was recognisably the biggest change.

Big Time Champs ?

For the first time, we had Ryder Cup Champions and Rugby World Cup Champions who were actively using the Kairos system at the same time…but that’s not all.

Surrey County Cricket became back-to-back County Champions, the New England Free Jacks secured their First Major League Rugby Championship title, Dublin GAA won the 2023 All-Ireland Gaelic Football Final, Aston Villa FC secured European Football, Newcastle United secured Champions League Football, and both Luton Town and Sheffield United achieved promotion to the Premier League. These are just some of the highlights of the many achievements our users made across 2023!

New Features ?

Notably, we brought some new features into the mix this year:

  • Read Receipts and Last User Active Status
  • Travel Allocations
  • Kairos TV 
  • Single Sign On

While we added 20+ new features, we continued to upgrade the main pillars of Kairos: our schedule, survey, messenger and travel features so that they continued to evolve with our users’ needs.

New Product, More Focus Time ?

In 2023, we launched Kairos TV. 

A new product built with elite teams in mind. With Kairos TV, staff can create unlimited screens capable of hosting different content on each and connect them in seconds with QR scanning. 

Users can display:

  • Live schedules
  • Messaging
  • Updates
  • Images
  • Footage

Anytime, anywhere ?️

Time Well Spent ?

We haven’t quite created a feature to go back in time, but we know for a fact that we save over 75% of our staff users globally over 100 hours of time per year… that’s at least 2 hours per staff member per week!

What does this mean?
Operations staff have more personal time, time to catch up on a TV series or check-in with family and friends and more professional time to focus on the things that really matter. We know how operations staff have a huge responsibility and are expected to have all the answers for all stakeholders in their club or team. With Kairos, they are guaranteed to have one source of truth to support them throughout the busiest of times, removing the need for many of the questions they are met with each day…

On the Road ?

Some of our favourite memories this year however consisted of being out and about.

We had the pleasure of headline sponsoring Training Ground Guru Live and Leaders In Sports: Performance Summits.

Attending the NBA Summer League Expo and Major League Baseball Winter meetings were high on our list too.

Throughout it all, our customer success team were busy visiting users at their training grounds. Ensuring all users are optimizing how they use Kairos, and that our system is working effectively for those individuals and their club. 66 new logos joined our system this year, with over 140 teams aligning their Team Operations & Communications through Kairos.

This wouldn’t be possible without our Customer Success team who provided around the clock support for customers and increased our team’s presence in key regions. Our incredible team worked alongside engineers to ensure quick closure of all raised tickets.

Thank YOU

Last but not least, we want to thank those who continue to support, contribute to and shout about Kairos. We value the feedback, the encouragement and look forward to reaching new heights in 2024.

At our core, we value simplicity and making things easier for ourselves and those we work with.

We can’t wait to ramp things up in 2024, be sure to join for the journey.